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Companies often kick off their InnerSource programs by starting small. Pilot projects can help teams experiment with more open processes, democratize access to code, and document best practices before applying InnerSource more widely.

Small successes can help show your internal community of developers how to make the most of their code and ship better software, faster.

Consider measuring:

What is your timeline?

What is your timeline? What is your next step?

Initial InnerSource rollout checklist

Here is a list of some recommended checklist items to review when adopting InnerSource that apply to most organizations:

Expanding your checklist

Many companies have already adopted InnerSource or are currently in the process. There is a lot of great information from many resources including InnerSource Commons and PayPal’s journey just to name a few. Below is an expanded checklist compiled from many resources including PayPal, GNU Manifesto, and the Apache Way.


